The Australian Visitor Centres App helps visitors connect with the national Accredited Visitor Centre network. Ensure your Visitor Centre is seen and more accessible to an established user-reach of over 1.8 million, across the TripTech suite of apps. Connect your Visitor Centre with over 110,000 monthly active users* who are in-trip, nearby and eager to find out more about your region.

To enhance your Visitor Centres presence and reach on the app, join our growing community of Explore Package Visitor Centres. The Explore Package is the Visitor Centre premium listing on the app and enables your Centre to create a detailed and engaging profile that can increase in-centre visitation. This profile is available across the TripTech suite of apps including THL and CamperMate – Australia and New Zealand’s No.1 road trip and camping app*.

View the Explore Package inclusions and resources below, and please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or fill out the enquiry form.
*Across the TripTech suite of apps including THL, CamperMate and the Australian Visitor Centres App.
*Source: (2023)

AUS VIC APp screenshots for Website

Explore Package inclusions:

Explore Package Tiered pricing inclusions As of 09 August 2024


Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on the Explore Package.


Enquiry Form

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